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Unlock the Power of Manifestation with



Welcome to "LUXE LIFE UNLOCKED ", where we believe that every woman deserves to live her best life. Our manifestation techniques are designed to help you unlock your truest potential and create the life you've always wanted. Our mindful approach to coaching focuses on building a foundation of self-awareness and self-love, empowering you to achieve success in all areas of your life. If you're ready to take control and manifest a life of abundance and joy, contact us today.

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We manifest luxe, where we believe in turning your dreams into reality. Our manifestation techniques are designed to help you achieve abundance and success in all areas of your life. Get ready to live your best life with manifest luxe!


Manifest Luxe is your one-stop-shop for all things manifestation. We offer a wide range of services, from coaching to guided meditation, to help you manifest the life you desire. Our team is dedicated to helping you become your best self and to support you on your journey. Our resources are designed to help you tap into the power of your mind and attract abundance, love, and success into your life.

JC ' S Story 

Hey there , I am Jacqueline Chyi " The Manifestation Muva".


My personal journey has brought me here to help women like you "manifest their luxe life & body ". I began building this brand on the journey to find myself again after losing my inner identity, to codependent  relationships, depression and postpartum depression. I know what it feels like to wake up one day and wonder "how you got here " ? " To look in the mirror and not recognize yourself ! That's because just 3 years ago that was me ! I woke up one day and looked in the mirror and not only could I not recognize my physical self but I was spiritual and mentally broken. June of 2020 I decided to take my life back after having my second child and living through prenatal depression and a codependent emotionally abusive relationship. I began with my inner healing first and worked my way to the outer healing because I learned along time ago that neglecting  your inner being is directly connected to your outer being and to work on one without the other leaves room to regress back to old habit and old mindset that lead you to the moment of this depressing yet enlightening realization in the first place.


Fast forward to NOW 2023, I have lost over 100lbs … and at my heaviest I was 326 and miserable …When I started my lifestyle transformation journey at 305 lbs I never would have thought I would lose 10olbs. I didn't put a number on it , I just focused on how I waned to feel . 


" The power of manifestation " Right ? 


Through the power of manifestation I was able to visualize a new life and anew body for myself . Which lead me to a total mindset shift . Which I like to call " The Luxe Mindset".


"The Luxe Mindset" lead me to  implementing actionable lifestyle changes in my daily habits and routines.  Including daily exercise, meditation, journaling,  choosing sustainable nutrition options and adding supplements to my daily routine.


Making these changes to my life have made a huge difference in the way I look and feel about myself.  I am now more confident than ever to live out my life’s purpose. 

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